Point of View #4 - Birth Order Trait

Does birth order trait influence someone’s personality? Are we are destined to have character based on birth order trait? Anyway, let’s have a look of the table below;

Point of View #3 - Monetary Insentive?

Do you think we should give monetary incentives to the KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades? Some would say yes, others would say no. Before we go further, let’s see what the meaning of KP2 students. KP2 students are those who get below 2.0 CGPA in their university. In this case, we will discuss about money as an incentives.

First, what is money? Does the money have magical charm to solve the problem? Everyday and every time, we use money for everything. For example, politicians use money to bribe people to vote for him, football clubs use money to lure great player to join the club, human activist use money to buy medicines and food for the poor people. So, it is clear that money is a catalyst to achieve something.

Monetary incentive has its upside and downside. The upside is that KP2 students would feel motivate to get greater result. The downside is how do they want to achieve the target? Do money makes they understand the syllabus more? As we mention earlier, that money is a catalyst to achieve something, money itself has strong attraction that makes we want to go for it. This would make sense if more students get caught during the exams if monetary incentive is implanted.

There are several factors that affect the student’s result, but in this case, there will be two people are involved, and yet they would not stop playing the blame game. These two persons are the students and the lecturers. For students, it is the attitude that affects the result. Do we try hard enough? Do we complete the assignments? What would we do if we do not understand the lectures? These are the questions that we have to ask ourselves. In statistic for every semester, many students who get higher or average carry marks would drop their marks in final exam. Why? Because most of questions are completely ridiculous with our level which it cannot be found in lectures or tutorials and yes, the lectures even said “this test is so hard, and even I hardly to do it”. The lecturers should look up for the trends and change. We do not expect the final exam to be as easy as ABC but just test us in our level. Why continue the system that has failed us for every semester?
           In a conclusion, we would agree that monetary incentive should be implanted but it must be follow up with intensive classes. For those who want monetary incentive, he or she must join the intensive classes. With this method, students would be confident of them selves and create a better understanding between the lectures and students.

(p/s: I found something interesting on the web, it's about type of students in university, just enter your name and email in this link )

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Point of View #2 - "If I could Rule the World, I would ..."

So, this is our point of view for this week, we decide to share our opinion on what would we do, if we could rule the world;

Shahrul Azzim

"If I could Rule the World, I would be a president of United States of America"

(Yup,nowadays America is bigger than the rest of the world)


"If I could Rule the World, I would hanging out with girls,girls and girls all time"


"If I could Rule the World, I would pass the job to others"

(Cool man doesn't have to rule the world, jusk ask the gentlemen below, do they rule the world?) 

(Rorschach from Watchmen)

(Batman only, not Penguin or Catwoman)

(Wolverine from X-Men)